About our Patient Participation Group [PPG]

We would like to introduce you to the Patient Participation Group recently reformed.
Our aim is to effectively support patients and staff to get the most out of the services offered by Oakmeadow Surgery
Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) are made up of volunteers interested in healthcare issues which meet to decide ways and means of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the surgery to patients.
They are an excellent way for practices to keep in touch with the patient’s perspective and improve the patient experience. They can also help to influence the commissioning of services and support the practice through more practical ways like fundraising or organising support groups.
Whilst the PPG is based at Oakmeadow Surgery, we are as a group totally independent, and here to act on behalf of all those who use the Surgery.
The PPG can be contacted through the email address seen below.
We are here to listen to you and effect meaningful support for all service users at Oakmeadow Surgery.
If you are a patient at our Practice interested in having a say in how our Practice operates or you would like to share your ideas with us, maybe joining the PPG is for you. Please contact the Practice on the above email address