Welcome To Oakmeadow Surgery

NHS Health Check

Please click here to access the NHS Health Check form.

Please return the completed form with a urine sample to the surgery.  Alternatively please email the form to oakmeadow.surgery@nhs.net, and separately drop in a urine sample to the surgery, marked with your name, date of birth and ‘For NHS Health Check’.

Family Medicine Chest

Here is a list of useful medicines and dressings with a description of their uses. All are quite cheap and worth stocking at home in readiness for minor illnesses.

Keep them in a box or cupboard with a lock – or store them well out of the reach of children.

Soluble Aspirin Tablets Good for headaches, colds, sore throats (gargle with the solution), and pains in general. Aspirin should NOT be given to children under 16.

Paracetamol Mixture For relief of pain or fever in young children.

Ibuprofen Mixture For relief of pain or fever in young children.

Ibuprofen & Paracetamol Tablets Ibuprofen and paracetamol tablets are cheap to buy and are just as effective as expensive brand name pain killers. They are effective for pain and fever. Ibuprofen and aspirin should be used with caution if you have asthma.  They can cause severe wheeze for a small number of asthmatics particularly those who also have allergies that affect the nose. 

If you are prone to indigestion ibuprofen or aspirin can make it worse and can sometimes lead to stomach bleeding or ulcers. 

Ibuprofen should not be used if you have kidney disease or if you are pregnant. 

Aspirin should only be used in pregnancy under medical advice. 

Do not take ibuprofen and aspirin together.

Calamine Lotion: For dabbing (not rubbing) on insect bites, stings and sunburn.
Dressing Strips: For minor cuts.
3″ Wide Crepe Bandage: To keep dressings in place. To support sprained or bruised joints.
Thermometer: For checking fevers.

Remember that your local chemist can give you advice about medicines.